Make Valentine’s Day Last Another Week!

Join us as Saint Paul Poet Laureate Carol Connolly hosts


Reading by Writers Series. Free and open to the public at the Historic University Club in St Paul, 420 Summit Avenue.

Bar is open and serves throughout the evening. 5:00 dinner, not connected to the performance. Dinner Reservations 651-222-1751. No need to be a member.

Music: Mary Scallen, violin, Jim Miller, flute.

Featured artists:

SHARON CHMIELARZ, poet, whose many award -winning books include CALLING;  THE SKY IS GREAT THE SKY IS BLUE;  THE RHUBARB KING;  BUT I WON’T GO OUT IN A BOAT;  DIFFERENT ARANGEMENTS; STANGER IN HER HOUSE; and THE OTHER MOZART, which became a two-part opera. Sharon is the 2012 Water-Stone Jane Kenyon Award recipient. Her new book LOVE FROM THE YELLOWSTONE TRAIL is set for June release.

DANA ELKUN, dancer turned poet, whose BLACK BOX THEATER AS ABANDONED ZOO, is from Concrete Wolf. Dana taught poetry at University of Washington; University of Arizona; in a juvenile detention center; a women’s jail, and beginning on February 25 will be teaching at The Loft.

JULIE HART, poet, who posts her poems on the internet, is also a short story writer, and founder of the American Association of Aging Aphorists. To join, go to

KATHLEEN JESME, poet, whose four books include her new MERIDIAN, Tupelo Press, which follows PLUM-STONE GAME, Ahsahta Press; MOTHERHOUSE; Pleiades Press, and FIRE EATER, University of Tampa Press. Each book has been a finalist and/or winner of a prestigious poetry prize. Jesme holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College.

ROSEANN LLOYD,  poet. The most recent of her four published books is THE BOY WHO SLEPT UNDER THE STARS: a Memoir in Poetry, Holy Cow Press. “Bringing poems to life through reading out loud,” she says, “…is one of her top pleasures.”  Brava!

MOLLY CULLIGAN, poet and actor, dances the tango internationally, and without that, she says, she wouldn’t stop aging.

LESLIE ADRIENNE MILLER, poet, whose sixth book Y, follows THE RESURRECTION TRADE and EAT QUITE EVERYTHING YOU SEE, all from Graywolf Press. YESTERDAY HAD A MAN IN IT; UNGODLINESS; and STAYING UP FOR LOVE, are from Carnegie Mellon Press. Leslie holds many prestigious awards and degrees, is Professor of English at University of St Thomas.

JOYCE SUTPHEN, Minnesota Poet Laureate, grew up on a farm in Stearns County, and teaches literature and creative writing at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. Widely published and much awarded, her latest collection, FIRST WORDS, is a memoir in poems. HOUSE OF POSSIBILITY, a letter press edition is from Accordion Press. Sutphen is serving as the second Minnesota Poet Laureate, succeeding Robert Bly.

Readings last just about an hour. Books will be sold. Readers will sign.